Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Shamu & Sunshine

We had a fantastic week in San Diego with my mom and sisters. Jackson was in heaven. Sunshine, Shamu, sandy beaches, Whitney to play with him, and Grandma to spoil him. What more could he want? Although he did once make the comment, "I just want to play with daddy right now." (Tyler was in Peru)

Meeting Elmo was one of his favorites. After the problems we had with Halloween costumes, I thought he would be scared by the giant, fuzzy costume, but he ran right up and gave him a hug. I guess Elmo is the exception.

After we were done taking pictures, he kept saying,
"I want to meet Elmo again!"
Jackson is all wet in the picture because we just finished with the fountains (see the video at the bottom of this post)

Me and my mom

Jackson loved the deer in the petting zoo

He really loved them, and they were amazingly tolerant

Does anyone watch Scrubs re-runs like we do? He looks like he's doing JD's hide-the-nipple dance. It cracks me up.

This is how you know the day was a success

What a gorgeous beach. Jackson was an expert sand castle maker.

So here is Jackson enjoying the fountains. It started off as innocently putting his hands in the water. But once I realized I had spare shorts and a dry jacket in my purse, we decided to just let him go crazy.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Why We Love Target Dollar Bins

Happy Easter, a little early.
(at least I talked him out of the pink bunny ears that he really wanted)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Humidifiers & Things I Like

This is just a random cute picture of Jackson today. I had the humidifier on the kitchen table and Jackson climbed up there and stuck his face in the mist. Tiny water droplets all over his face... Cute.
It's been a really long time since I did a writing post, and since I'm still waiting on my mom to email our San Diego pictures, I figured it was time. Jackson and I spent the last week in San Diego with my mom and sisters. We decided to get out of town because Tyler is in Peru for 12 days, but now we are back from our vacation and Tyler still has 2 more days to go, so I've been feeling a little bummed.
My friend Lara from Pocket Full of Prose did a "Things I Like About Myself" post and challenged me to do the same. I decided I should give it a try, although I should warn you that I've had a rough couple of days, so I'm not quite sure how this will come out. So despite my recent self-loathing, here are a few things that I love about myself:
  • I'm good at keeping a clean house most of the time, and I'm good at knowing when it's time to drop everything and let the dishes pile up so I can do floor puzzles with Jackson.
  • I'm good at running. I'm slow, but I'm still good at it. I almost never forget which foot needs to move forward next.
  • I write good emails. During college, I wrote my father emails constantly and I think they were fairly entertaining to read. Part of this probably has to do with the fact that I'm not afraid of a little bit of exaggeration. So I'm not always perfectly honest, but people are entertained, and isn't that more important?
  • I'm good at grocery shopping. That sounds like something stupid, but I just have this amazing system down, and I always finish grocery shopping trips feeling very proud of my efficiency. I even had a cashier tell me once that I was the most organized grocery shopper she's ever seen.
  • My hair has pretty natural blonde highlights. And if I spend too much time in cloudy Seattle and my hair gets too dark, I spray a little Sun-In, whip out the blow dryer, and call it natural anyway.
  • I'm really good with Excel. My dad taught me Excel when I was like 5 or something. I thought he was such a dork, but now I'm fairly addicted to it. I make up stupid excuses to use it all the time.
  • I'm a terrible mother, but at least I can admit that. Some women are built to be super-stay-at-home-moms. I'm not, but I still try. And I have a very happy little boy that I love very much. And he knows how much I love him, and he loves me too, and that counts for something.
  • I'm good at proof-reading, and maybe even a little obsessive. Everytime you send me an email or write a blog post, I proofread as I read it. I can't help it. But don't worry, I usually won't mention your typos unless they are really bad :) And my own typos devestate me.
  • I make efforts to take care of the environment. I use reusable grocery totes and I am very good at following Seattle's ridiculous recycling rules. Although I guess the fact that I call them "ridiculous" probably means I don't care about the environment quite enough.
  • Despite how rough the last few days have been, when Tyler gets home in a few days, Jackson and I will both still be alive. That is impressive.

So there you have it. I have a few good qualities. You have them too. Write them down :)

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Good Surprises

We had a good weekend, despite the fact that Tyler was gone for 5 days to an ASDA conference. It was hard to have him gone, but Jackson and I enjoyed some quality time together, and we had a few fun surprises too.
One of my sweet friends brought me a homemade fruit bouquet. It was so thoughtful of her that it almost made me cry. Jackson and I snapped a few quick pictures and then devoured it. It was delicious! She's so talented.
Saturday morning we awoke to another fun surprise. We did some indoor plant starts for our garden. It felt so early, but Seattle's planting season starts really early so we figured it was time. I was amazed to see these cute little plants pop up just 6 days after planting them. And of course, Tyler came home with gifts (even though they were just the free gifts that he got from vendors at the conference). Jackson enjoyed his little airplane, which he played make believe with all morning after Tyler got home. He would fly it around the room, land it on the couch, and then pretend to open a tiny little door in the side of the plane and say, "It's Daddy's plane. Daddy is home! He came home!" I thought it was really sweet.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A New Hobby

Jackson is currently obsessed with puzzles. And I have learned the vast difference between cheap puzzles and expensive puzzles. Nice puzzles are definately worth the money. Cheap puzzles fall apart and the pieces are distorted and won't stick together and are very frustrating to a 2-year-old. So over the past few weeks, we've been investing in some high-quality floor puzzles from Ross's, and Jackson has been in puzzle heaven.
My favorite part of the puzzles? When Jackson finishes one on his own and then stands up, holds his arms out, and yells "Tah-duh!" It makes me giggle every time.