My friend
Lara challenged me to do this post. I don't usually do these, but I was in a mood today. So here it is: 25 Things You Didn't Know About Me...
1. When I was way too young, my Dad let me watch
Nightmares On Elm Street. For several years I would get sick to my stomach as soon as it started to get dark each night. At one point, my family moved to a street called Elmore. I was convinced it would be even worse than the movies because it's "more" than "Elm" street.
2. I lie about how many boys I've kissed in my life, even to myself. I think it ended up somewhere between 15 and 20, but I like to tell myself it was closer to 10.
3. I secretly hoped Jackson would be a girl until the exact moment when I saw the ultrasound and found out he was a boy. Then I remember thinking, "Why did I want a girl? Boys are so much cooler!"
4. I don't like running, but I pretend like I do and I go running all the time.
5. I'm a math geek. My favorite computer game is called
Microsoft Office Excel. My dad taught me the game when I was 10, and I've loved it ever since.
6. Even though I've never made it past chapter 2 on a book I've tried to write, I still like to think that someday I'll finish one and get it published.
7. I had a pet iguana named Calvin (after Calvin and Hobbes).
8. I think the proudest moment of my Dad's life was the end of my 9th grade year, when I was awarded "Captain of the Cheerleading Squad" and "Math Student of the Year" on the same day.
9. I'm 100% Team Jacob. If I wasn't happily married to the love of my life, I'd have Taylor Lautner posters all over my house. Edward's a pansy.
10. My first dirtbike was a TTR 125. I started riding because I thought it would impress boys (and it did, I'm pretty sure that's why my husband married me) but I found out that I actually really enjoy riding, especially if I sing sappy love songs as loud as I can while I ride a gorgeous Idaho mountain trail.
11. I love proofreading things. Love it! Sometimes I proofread the labels on my shampoo bottles just for fun.
12. As an adult, I'm terrified of making new friends. When I moved to Seattle, I invited my neighbor over to decorate cookies because I didn't know how adults were supposed to make friends. I've gotten a little better at it since then, although the cookie-decorating neighbor and I are still very close :)
13. I consider cooking to be my current favorite hobby. My dream is to have a beautiful kitchen, a ridiculously large grocery budget, and host big dinner parties at least once a week.
14. I rarely go more than 2 hours without eating something, unless I'm asleep.
15. The thing I miss most about my childhood and teen years is dancing. Sometimes during Jackson's nap I dance in my living room and pretend like there's an audience.
16. I'm guilty of spider cruelty. They can die slow painful deaths and I hardly even care.
17. I'm career-obsessed. Although I love it, being a stay-at-home mom is really hard on me. I dream about a fancy office in downtown Seattle, and I get sad when we drive through downtown in the evening and I see some of the office lights still on.
18. I never like my hair. It doesn't matter what I do with it or how it's cut, I don't like it.
19. I'm fascinated by adoption. I love reading stories and blogs. I think adoptive parents are amazing and inspiring.
20. I don't like fish. I try, but I just don't.
21. I had a secret crush on my husband in highschool. I didn't have the guts to make a move. I also accidentally saw him buck naked at Lake Powell when I was 16 :)
22. When I grow up, I want to be like my sister. She's only 16 right now, but she's more mature than me in a lot of ways. (*This one needs to be amended. Apparently my sister is 17. This is what happens when you live 700 miles away from your family!)
23. I screen phone calls... a lot.
24. My favorite movie is
The Italian Job. Although I've looked it up on Amazon at least twenty times and it only costs about $5 these days, I still don't own a copy. Which leads to my final one...
25. I'm a cheapskate. I'm completely, over-the-top, obnoxiously frugal in a bad way.