Saturday, December 25, 2010

Cutest Santa Ever

Merry Christmas!

Do you recognize Santa? Jackson did.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Intramural Football

Tyler's dental school puts together a team for almost every intramural sport. They are all very athletic and have a lot of fun. Last Friday their football team, The Gold Crowns, was in the championship and won! They got to play the final game in the Husky Stadium on the actual football field, pretty cool.
Celebrating after one of Tyler's many interceptions throughout the season. I never appreciated the defensive aspect of football until I watched Tyler play. I don't want to brag, but he's pretty amazing.
Congrats, Gold Crowns!


Last year when Jackson met Santa, it didn't go so well. But everyone has to have a picture of their toddler screaming on Santa's lap, right? Last night was my work Christmas party. I was the Santa photographer. I have never seen so many screaming children. Luckily, this year Jackson was not one of them. In fact, he sat on Santa's lap twice. And when Santa asked what he wanted for Christmas, he gave his classic answer of "presents." But then remembered Buzz Lightyear and quickly changed his answer.
Making gingerbread houses. After the party I told Tyler it was time to go and asked him where their gingerbread house was, thinking we could use it as a cute decoration. His answer... "We ate it."