Thursday, June 10, 2010

News & Pictures

First the news...
I am no longer unemployed! I got a job working for the Univeristy of Washington housing. I work in the office here at our apartment and I host events and programs in the housing community. Plus, I get to bring Jackson to work with me. It's going to be really, really fun! I've wanted the job since we moved in last summer, but this was the first opening they've had. I'm excited about being a little busier and being able to help out with all of the crazy dental school costs. I think it's going to be a lot of fun.
Now on to the cute pictures...
His thinking face
This is the "oh, hi" face. I don't know why he's sticking his belly out like that.


Lara Zierke said...

I'm sad I've been away from my email, but I'm so happy for you! I wondered if you had that feeling about getting ready to congratulate your friend just so you would be calm and ace the interview...Awesome!

Traci said...

Congrats again!! (Now you don't have to feel bad about using your awesome new camera.) The beach was fun! Jackson is just adorable - even with his belly sticking out.