Monday, July 12, 2010

4th of July

We started off our celebrations with an early firework show while we were still in Idaho.
Playing with sparklers
Then we had a celebration at our apartment complex...
...which included a parade with all the kids
Then we decided to join some of our friends and brave the crowds at Gas Works Park. It was worth it. The firework show was amazing! We ended up having a fantastic time despite the exhauted toddlers that probably shouldn't have been up that late.
Here is Tyler being exhausted the morning after (Jackson is faking... obviously. At least he closed his eyes. Usually when he fakes sleep, he snores loudly and keeps his eyes cracked open so he can see if anyone is believing him.)

1 comment:

Traci said...

Love it! We had a great time with you too! (And I just put the picture you took of us up on our blog too. ha ha)